AWE is a 3-part product offering designed to trigger life-transforming experiences for the adolescent. With our years of experience, tested tools of practice and Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques, we are strategically positioned to aid the smooth transition of your adolescent from one phase of life into the next until wholesomeness is achieved.


The Adolescent Wellness Event (AWE – THE EVENT) is a one-day symposium hosted by secondary schools in conjunction with our company. From time to time we get requests from schools and non-profit organizations to run an AWE event for their adolescents. In response to this, we curate a friendly atmosphere to get the job done. It is designed for students – with counsellors, teachers and administrators of the host school in attendance and fully participating. Parents are also welcome to attend the event. We run this model around the world by invitation only.


  • Exciting, thought-provoking and life-moulding wellness games
  • Creative journeys into self-awareness and discovery
  • Breath-taking audio-visual adventures
  • Captivating presentations by wellness instructors
  • Inspirational storytelling through spoken word artistry
  • Emotive and instructive experience-sharing panels
  • Creative wellness expressions by students
  • Student-guardian trust-building and bonding sessions
  • Counselling and healing sessions

For more enquiries, please contact us today


The Adolescent Wellness Festival (AWE-The Festival) is designed to be the biggest adolescent event in Africa. AWE-The Festival brings together, in one venue, at least three thousand (3000) adolescents drawn from different schools and other adolescent hubs, and at least one thousand (1000) adolescent managers, including parents, teachers, administrators and counsellors. Beyond the venue, AWE-The Festival also reaches millions more through simulcast transmission on television, radio and social media channels. At this forum, your adolescent is given an amazing opportunity to learn from and interact with other adolescents, celebrities and industry thought leaders who might have experienced similar situations and form friendships with them. What we seek to do with them is to hold their hands through a journey they may have thought of as difficult and overwhelming and bring them into a place of wholeness and successful living in specific areas under a curated atmosphere of art, fun and love.


  • Celebrities and role models share their “crazy” adolescent stories and most inspiring growing-up moments
  • Awe-inspiring personal stories from exceptional adolescents
  • A thought-provoking, no-holds-barred, truth-telling, relationship-mending and bond-building panel session featuring adolescents and parents
  • Insights into unconventional parent-adolescent relationship management strategies
  • Exciting life-moulding practical exercises for adolescents and parents among others

For sponsorship and more details, kindly contact us today!


The Adolescent Wellness Community (AWE – The Community) is the first of its kind coaching platform specifically designed for adolescents. It gives access to a 3-month online resource on adolescence wellness, the first of its kind. During which we cover 7 Big Modules; discoveries that will leave a mark in your adolescent’s life permanently because there are secrets and strategies in there, that will help them understand their physio-, psycho-, and socio- logical expressions, discover their Life’s Purpose by stepping into a You-niversal vision, heal from adverse childhood experiences, leverage Personal Power (using our Self-Esteem matrix), improve parent-adolescent communication from normalcy to intimacy, and radically evolve dynamically among others.

WHAT HAPPENS AT AWE – THE COMMUNITY?                    

  • Free access to life-changing wellness resources specially curated for adolescents
  • Signature AWE tools, techniques, and frameworks for radical evolution
  • Free Access to Webinars, complete with Workbook and Resources
  • Mouthwatering discounts to AWE – The Festival
  • Access to periodic wellness excursions and mind-blowing wellness experiences [currently available to residents in  Lagos, Nigeria only]
  • Periodic One on One coaching [observing all safety measures as directed by WHO]

Join the waiting list today!